To better understand the 퍼블릭 알바 problem, it is necessary to determine risk factors associated with the incidents of delivery drivers. Thousands of delivery drivers are injured or killed every year due to car crashes, injuries during deliveries, or crimes committed during the delivery process. Dangers for deliver drivers include motor vehicle accidents, injuries while performing the delivery, such as back injuries and slips, trips, and falls, or crimes.
Being a delivery driver is considered to be one of the more dangerous jobs. There is no doubt that pizza delivery is a tough job, but during an accident, it is not only the drivers that are at risk.
When pizza delivery drivers lack insurance protection from a collision, you are left to either try and recover from the lower-income employee, or find alternative coverage, such as what a delivery drivers employer might have. Your personal injury attorney will need to thoroughly assess a drivers, restaurants, or delivery services insurance policies. Many restaurants and delivery services require their drivers to provide proof of insurance.
Restaurants and delivery services frequently put pressure on drivers to deliver quickly. This same pressure causes commercial truck drivers to sleep on the road in frustration, desperate to deliver exactly on time. Anything that decreases a drivers time with his or her vehicle adds to that feeling of stress and pressure.
Federal laws impose limits on the amount of driving time available for commercial truck drivers. Drivers are allowed to only drive the vehicle within 11-hour windows. Denials may cause a driver to feel under pressure to begin operating the vehicle before completing all of their pre-trip inspections, as their only alternative is being late for their shipping appointment.
Because trucking delivery pressures can be extremely intense, many drivers will make judgement errors in order to fulfill expectations. Drivers facing the trucking delivery pressures of getting their load delivered in a certain amount of time may feel the temptation to drive more quickly.
The challenges are out of a drivers ability to control, and that increases the trucking delivery pressures they experience regularly. The results of this increased pressure are sloppy driving and increased accidents for delivery drivers. Since 2012, there has been a significant rise in accidents involving delivery vehicles.
The issue itself is a mix of demands for faster delivery times, users driving in unfamiliar areas via apps, and delivery drivers making illegal stops in parks. Driving in unfamiliar locations drastically increases the risk of causing a crash, since delivery drivers will be unaware of the roads hazards and traffic patterns. You can help mitigate some of that risk by parking closer to the pick-up or drop-off location and shortening how far you need to walk to get to your packages.
One thing that may help is making sure to get to know the area where your deliveries will take place before you start working. Encourage your drivers to look over routes before they go on deliveries. Before they turn their car into drive, delivery drivers need to review the route so they can get to their destination in a quick, safe manner.
For drivers, this may involve completing defensive driving training courses as well as Hazard Awareness Training, which will help them recognize hazards on a delivery site. For owners and dispatchers, it might include sharing crime statistics in the areas drivers will deliver in, along with ways to become a safer mugging victim.
If you have questions about a vehicle accident involving a driver from a ride-hailing app, contact a personal injury attorney right away. If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury as the result of a collision involving a pizza delivery driver or another ride-hailing service, contact Crosley Law for a free consultation. If you have a delivery driver using his own vehicle, and he or she injured another driver or damaged property, your company could be held liable.
Classifying your delivery drivers as independent contractors in order to save costs can put you at a considerable wage and hour liability risk. Nighttime driving is another major risk factor when understanding delivery dive hazards. Also, nighttime driving reduces visibility, resulting in car crashes, and fatigue makes it harder for drivers to be safe.
For instance, someone who suffers from chronic sleep loss who drives during early morning hours is more at risk than an early-morning driver who had a good nights sleep the previous evening and generally gets a full nights rest. In addition to getting adequate sleep before driving, drivers can also plan ahead in other ways to mitigate their risk for driving while intoxicated. It is important to know more about the at-risk drivers who do not crash, and the effects that drowsiness has on driving at every point along a continuum, from low-level sleepiness to falling asleep behind the wheel.
These are called causative factors, and can affect the safety of drivers, but also the public overall, who shares the roads with these unsafe vehicles. Things such as being stolen, distracted while driving, and being misinformed all put drivers at risk.
Be sure to maintain the condition of delivery vehicles so that they do not break down in uncomfortable places at uncomfortable times. Even if you are using a third-party delivery service, you should know how your deliveries will be held at your shop until the driver collects them.
Some businesses will even put signs on their delivery vehicles saying that drivers are carrying limited amounts of cash in an effort to discourage theft. Some DSP owners have taken steps to make deliveries during the dark hours – whether it is late at night or in the wee hours of the morning – more comfortable and welcoming to their drivers. Amazon is far from the first to offer late-night deliveries, and each carrier may encounter difficulties once it gets dark.
In interviews with owners of Amazons delivery businesses and drivers, and a review of conversations in Amazons internal forums, dozens of people who have worked delivering packages for Amazon said that delivering at night is typically riskier and stressful. Current and former drivers such as Tim Ball, and several DSPs who hire drivers such as him, said that nighttime deliveries are particularly difficult. One troubling report suggests Amazon requires that Amazon drivers complete deliveries in the range of 999/1,000 in time. Amazon says it has taken other steps to increase driver safety, including allowing customers to see the drivers name and picture on a Progress Tracker page when their deliveries are 10 stops from completion.